Membership Categories

U.S.-Nigeria Business Council Membership
US / Nigeria Companies

BENEFITS Platinum Diamond Gold Silver
Access to U.S. and Nigeria member resources and services YES YES YES
Invitation to USNBC events, conferences, trade missions, and networking functions YES YES YES YES
Access to senior leadership of the U.S.- Nigeria Business Council YES YES
Advance notice of all public and private events in the U.S. and Nigeria YES YES
Special invitations to private executive discussions (i.e. Roundtable Series, ‘Closed Door’ events) YES YES
Pre-dinner reception with dignitaries at selected events YES YES
VIP seating for CEO/Chairman at selected events YES YES
CEO/Chairman receives direct access to dignitaries at selected events (if available) YES YES
Leadership role in setting the strategic direction of the U.S.- Nigeria Business Council YES
Eligible for “Platinum” only events YES
Eligible to serve on USNBC Advisory Board or Committees YES
Access to global member to member directory YES YES YES YES
Briefings for U.S. and Nigeria based executives YES YES
Complimentary Research Hours– Market insight and analysis
– Competition analysis
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Complimentary access to all webinar series programs YES YES YES YES
Complimentary subscription to USNBC publications: YES YES YES YES
– A Business Guide to Nigeria 30 20 15 1
– Industry Sector Reports 15 10 8 2
Nigeria Weekly News Clips Service YES YES YES
– USNBC Monthly Bulletin YES YES YES YES
Sustained efforts to inform and educate members of Congress and congressional staff of U.S. commercial interests in Nigeria YES YES YES YES
Presentation of bilateral business issues to the U.S. and Nigeria government agencies on behalf of members YES YES YES
Direct engagement on advocacy-related issues with U.S. and Nigeria Government officials on behalf of members YES YES
Access to white papers on trade or investment issues YES YES
Invitation to select advocacy-related briefings for U.S. and Nigeria executives YES YES
Priority notice of special events with U.S. and Nigeria Government leaders YES YES
Participate in private, high-level meetings on advocacy-related issues in the U.S. and Nigeria YES YES
Eligible to participate in setting USNBC advocacy goals YES
Use of USNBC media vehicles to raise company profile including website, publications, and social media YES YES YES YES
Opportunities for sponsorship at events held by or supported by the Trade Council YES YES YES YES
Opportunity for hosting/sponsoring Nigeria Delegations and Ministers YES YES
Counseling on cultural protocols and business practices for doing business in the U.S. or Nigeria YES YES YES
Customized, company-specific Business Advisory Services YES YES YES
Leadership opportunities in C-level trade missions, annual meeting, and select events in both countries YES YES
Assistance with securing appointments with government leaders and senior corporate executives YES YES
Visa facilitation for employees traveling to Nigeria (Certain restrictions apply)– Sponsorship letters
– Expedited service
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