Are you an Immigrant who has been in the U.S. for a long time and need to explore lucrative opportunities? Are you an African immigrant looking to create a profitable business bridge back home? Or perhaps you are young graduate or budding entrepreneurs? Perhaps you are a veteran businessmen and women who need to expand your business portfolio, new business breakthrough? Are you an IT professional and need to “retool? Ready to get your own piece of the pie in international trade, especially in Africa, particularly Nigeria? The time is NOW!
Now you can have every information you need to operate a profitable Export / Import business. As you grow older, and with the increasing rate of unemployment in the country, job security is no longer guaranteed. YES, you can EARN 35%-100% Returns on investment for EXPORTS / IMPORTS in
Attend an intensive 2-day bootcamp in Export Management, designed to equip industry professionals with solid foundation in global strategy, resources in export management, market analysis and tangible tools on how to move goods for international export, the right way.
NOTE: Previous experience is not required nor academic qualification a barrier.
The objectives of the bootcamp are to expose participants to the ‘Bolts and Nuts’ of exporting and develop strategies for success in a global economy.
- Discover the Secretes of Successfully Exporting 44 Solid Minerals 33 Agricultural Commodities 22 Food Items
- Fundamentals of Export Business Practices
- Marketing & Pricing of Export Business Products
- A-Z of Agric Commodity Export
- A-Z of Solid Mineral Export
- Understanding export business finance
- Sourcing and negotiating export contracts
- Strategies for International Distribution & International Sales Channels
- Terms of Payment, Trade Barriers, and Free-trade Zones
Reasons why you should attend the 2-Day bootcamp
- You get practical knowledge on export business
- How to source for buyers for your products
- You learn how to mitigate international trade risk and fraud
ICT :60 Trade Sites where you get Foreign buyer daily.
Access to Export product you can export duty-free to the U.S.A. under AGOA.
How to detect and avoid international trade scams and fraudulent importers.
Where/How to Source Products Locally
The guaranteed, tried and tested way to get paid by overseas clients.
The risk involved in the food stuff/agro exportation and business and how to avoid it effectively
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Start Exporting on a Small Scale Immediately after the workshop with case studies of products you can start with,
Training benefits:
- Free: blog/website design for every participants
- Loan/finance from local & international bank for genuine export contract
- All participants will also be assisted in securing export license within 48hrs
- Participants will also be assisted in export product registration with NAFDAC.
- free mentoring until you become an exporter
- free export planning
- you will be connected to prospective buyers abroad.
Export Business in Nigeria remains a Gold mine that is full of untapped opportunities. Only the people who seek knowledge, information and understanding will be the ones that prosper in this age, Therefore, come and be trained, be informed, get understanding and prosper.
Unlike other export trainings where participants are left alone after the training, the 2-Day Export Boot Camp will continually follow up and mentor all participants until they succeed. The training will also focus on practical ways how to start on a very small scale with local products and foodstuffs you can source for around you (for as low as $750) and sell for up to 900% profits.
We will also show you to start export business from the comfort of your bedroom with the use of our cutting-edge technology, that will connect you to buyers abroad automatically.
Venue: The Commerce Club Seminar Room C
Address: 191 Peachtree Street NE, 49th Floor, Atlanta, GA. USA
Time:9am-4pm daily
Fee: $349:00 (10% discount for early registration ends June 28th, 2018).
Registration fees cover continental breakfast, coffee break, full lunch, course materials, certificate of attendance and group photograph).
Accommodation: For those coming from out-of-town, please contact us for negotiated hotel rates.
US-Nigeria Trade Council USA
Bank – Bank of America.
Account number: 334050207679
Routing number: 061000052 (paper & electronic)
Routing Number: 026009593 (wires)
For seat reservation, call or text your name and phone number to +1(404-939-4030, or +1(404)-227-3300.
E-mail: info@usnigeria.org, www.usnigeria.org
- Mr. Godwin Oyefeso – Lead Instructor (https://usnagris.com/portfolio-item/mr-godwin-oyefeso-president-success-edge-for-entrepreneurial-development-seed/)
- Mrs. Sable Badaki – https://atlanta.score.org/mentors/sable-badaki
- Mr. Enrique Alvarez, Managing Director at Vector Global Logistics, Greater Atlanta Area – http://www.vectorgl.com/company.html
At the end of this workshop, all the attendees will be able to understand the export business challenges and how to overcome them, handle documentations without stress, they will be equipped with skills needed to effectively market and sell their products to buyers abroad, they will be empowered to anticipate the risks inherent is export business and design different strategies to mitigate them.
BONUS – The first 50 people to register for the 2-Day Export Boot-camp will receive a FREE eBOOK titled “Profitable Business opportunities with high returns on investment in Nigeria”. Don’t miss it !!